Coronavirus updates

Are you wondering how to get hold of our translation agency? Want to know when you’ll be able to visit our reception desk again? Or whether your language course will be taking place online? Then you’ve come to the right place!

The measures taken to combat the spread of coronavirus mean that our situation, too, is subject to constant change. This page gives you the current status of our services:

  • group courses
  • private and in-company courses, and inTense 
  • translation and editing

This information was most recently updated on 1 December 2020.

General and contact

Our language centre on Roeterseiland Campus is closed as we are working from home as much as possible. That means you cannot reach us by telephone. Emails will be answered as swiftly as possible. If you would like to speak to someone from our team, please let us know by email and we will phone you back as soon as possible.

Contact us.

Face masks compulsory

If you have a private lesson or another appointment at UvA Talen, please bear in mind that face masks must be worn in all public areas of our building. You are not permitted to visit our language school premises without a face mask.

Group courses

All of our group courses are being taught online. Except for the fact that the lessons take place in our online virtual classroom, the online courses use the same formula as the lessons on location.

More information about our group courses.

Private and in-company courses

Our in-company courses are being taught online, as are almost all of our private courses. Private lessons can be scheduled flexibly, making them a perfect way to break up your working-from-home day. We are now offering discounts on in-company courses and private lessons too!

It may be possible for a private lesson to be taught on location. If you are interested, we will look into the options with you and your teacher, with due observance of the government guidelines of course.

More information about our private and in-company courses.


inTense is our private programme for people who wish to improve their language skills in a very short time. The programme comprises five or more consecutive days of lessons in which a team of teachers immerse you in the language you wish to learn. The inTense programme is now fully corona-proof.

More information about inTense.

Translation agency

Our translation agency is open as usual. Our translation team is working from home to take care of all your translation and editing jobs. We can also process your urgent jobs without delay.

More information about our translation agency.