Frequently asked questions about final test, certificate and continuing on to the next level

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

You will take a final test during the last or last-but-one lesson. If you pass this test, you will receive a certificate. 

You will receive your certificate in digital format. If you prefer a paper certificate, please request one from

If you have taken a general course, your certificate will state the level you have reached according to the internationally recognised Common European Framework of Reference.

What if I do not pass the final test in a group course? Can I take a resit?

If you do not pass the final test for a course, you can take a resit free of charge within six months. You are entitled to one resit. If you would like to plan a date for a resit, please contact our group course department for an appointment.

When I have finished a course, can I automatically continue to the next level?

The certificate issued at the end of the course automatically entitles you to enrol in a course on the next level, provided the period between the two courses is not longer than six months. If the period between the two courses is longer than six months, you may be asked to go through a new intake procedure.

Can I start a degree course at the University of Amsterdam after my course?

If you wish to study at the University of Amsterdam (or any other university) it is important that you find out the admission requirements for your degree programme.

We offer courses that prepare you for the State Exams NT2 Programme II (Dutch) or for the IELTS examination for English. Many universities require you to have passed one of these exams as appropriate before you can start your degree course. However, taking such an examination training at UvA Talen does not in itself give any guarantee of admission to the university.