Frequently asked questions about UvA Talen

What is the relationship between UvA Talen and the UvA?

UvA Talen is the product of a merger between UvA Vertalers and The Language Academy, the independent centre for language courses at the University of Amsterdam. The Language Academy in turn came from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam.

We are part of UvA Ventures Holding, that is fully owned by the University of Amsterdam, which is why to this day UvA Talen maintains close links with the university.

What is the difference between the courses offered by UvA Talen and those of other language schools?

UvA Talen is allied to the University of Amsterdam and guarantees a high level of quality and professionalism. Our courses are aimed at motivated students.

The course material is covered at a high pace and we create a learning environment which guarantees optimal interaction with both the teacher and the fellow students. This enables you to significantly improve your language proficiency level in a very short time.

Does UvA Talen also organise courses outside Amsterdam?

All of our group courses take place in Amsterdam, on the Roeterseiland Campus of the University of Amsterdam. At our offices at Roetersstraat 25 we have a range of high-quality classrooms at our disposal. We also hold many of our courses in the surrounding buildings of the University of Amsterdam.

In-company and individual courses may be organised anywhere in the Netherlands as required. For example, UvA Talen organises ongoing courses for a range of companies at Schiphol and in Amstelveen. Click on In-company/Individual for more information about our tailor-made options.

All courses can also be taken online in our virtual classroom.