Honouring ‘Golden Week’: UvA Talen’s day of the Japanese language!

Are you living in The Netherlands learning Japanese and hoping to find others with your likeminded love for the Japanese language and culture? We’ve got the perfect event for you. Join us on Sunday, 28 April 2024 at UvA Talen’s Day of the Japanese Language event! This event is very special to us, as it is fully organized by our wonderful Japanese teachers here at UvA Talen and it is intended to celebrate Japan’s renowned Golden Week.

Golden Week is a time when the cherry blossoms bloom and the country comes alive with festivities – what better way to honour this celebration than hosting a special event at our office in Amsterdam. The event will offer a unique opportunity to participate in various games and other activities divided into several small groups based on one’s level of Japanese. You will also get the chance meet other learners and native speakers – which surely helps build connections within the Japanese community here in The Netherlands! 

Not only that, but we will also be offering a language café for the advanced learners where they can enjoy having a chat with native Japanese speakers or other students with higher fluency levels. The best part is – it’s all free to join and you also get a special discount on all Japanese courses at UvA Talen for participating! We are excited to support all those with a likeminded interest in learning Japanese. Take a look at the event details below:

When: 28 April, 2024 from 14.00 – 16.30h

Where: Roetersstraat 25, 1018 WB Amsterdam

Sign-up: Due to the immense interest, we have closed the sign-up form. 

Join UvA Talen's day of the Japanese language!

So mark your calendars, set your reminders, and join us at UvA Talen's Day of the Japanese Language on April 28th. Whether you're a language learner, a cultural enthusiast, or just someone looking forward to meeting other students studying Japanese, this event will be a fun day of connecting and building your network with those who share similar interests. Don't miss out – we'll see you there!