Improve your English Creative Writing this autumn at UvA Talen

The English Creative Writing group course at UvA Talen is designed for all students, professionals and writing buffs with an advanced knowledge of English who are looking to develop their own writing style. Whether you work in content creation and marketing or you are starting a blog for fun while you finish up your master’s programme, this course encourages and immerses those who crave effective story telling into the wonderful realm of inspiration and creativity.

During this evening course, you will be narrowing in on three key categories within writing: narrative perspective, setting and figurative language. Narrative perspective proves the effect of direct and indirect speech and how to get your characters to express their thoughts. Setting has to do with the use of imagery on where the story takes place and how these details can captivate the readers. Last but not least, figurative language shows form in the use of similes, metaphors and oxymorons to restructure sentences more creatively. 

Does this course sound interesting to you? Sign-up NOW for the October course start!

English creative writing

Mara, our Creative Writing student

We asked Mara, a past student of our English Creative Writing course, to answer a few questions about her experience. Mara currently works for an interior design agency in Amsterdam and her job often requires her to write short, creative texts for their website and social media channels. Although she had a great command of English already, she says, “This course helped me gain more trust in myself to just go for it and start writing. Our teacher taught us strategies to help get the creative juices flowing before we began and I’ve been able to apply it to my work-life as well – making habits out of those fun tricks we were taught.”

Mara has also graciously shared one of the assignments she did during the course. For homework, the students were prompted to write a short poem about something ordinary or a bit dull while using as much alliteration as possible. Alliteration refers to the repetition of the same sound at the start of a series of words in a sentence. Two examples of this would be; marvellous moves or burning bright. For the homework assignment, Mara submitted the following poem about her morning bowl of oatmeal;

Ode to Oats

Banana blackberry breakfast

Most meaningful meal of the day

Making me strong and steadfast

This porridge poem’s to say:


Without holy oats in the morning

Creation is quite incomplete

Making me morbidly mourning

If I’ve got no fresh feast to feed.


I think we can all agree she did a great job, right? We are so proud of our students, like Mara, who crave to learn and improve their language skills!

Would you like to learn more about English Creative Writing at UvA Talen? Click here to read more course information and how to enrol. Please keep in mind that the starting English level for this course is C1. English Creative Writing is currently available to start online via Zoom or in-class at our location in Amsterdam.