German level 9

Course information

German level 9 is intended for students who already have a high level of German. Upon completing the German level 9 course, you will have a thorough and complete knowledge of basic German. After this course you will, among other things, be able to:

  • conduct a conversation about business and personal goals
  • write an extensive line of reasoning
  • understand a personal story down to the finest details

Who is it for?

This general language training course is designed for those students who have advanced knowledge of the German language.

What will you learn?

During this course, you will increasingly expand your active language skills. The primary aim of this course is to develop your German proficiency, building on your existing knowledge, so that you can express ideas and viewpoints in German with confidence and accuracy, both orally and in writing. You will also be able to understand regional dialects and irony.

By the end of this course, you will recognise jokes and expressions and have some understanding of the content. You will understand reasoning and arguments, be able to express your opinion and use arguments to convince someone. You will be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.

You will be able to write an extensive line of reasoning using main and subordinate clauses. You will be able to compose a letter of complaint and write a newspaper article. You will also be able to summarise an article. You will understand a job vacancy text and know what is meant by professional qualifications. You will also be able to understand texts on economic topics.

This course builds upon the knowledge gained in German level 8, which is why the goals are in many ways similar. The expansion of the knowledge of the language is mainly in the aspects of writing and grammar.

And grammar?

The grammar you learn during this course includes:

  • using the adverbs andernfalls, demnach, folglich, somit, sonst, außer wenn and es sei denn
  • recognising if a verb is separable or inseparable
  • making prepositional phrases using the dative
  • recognising and using verbal and nominal style
  • recognising the Konjunktiv I
  • recognising and making subject clauses
  • making non-attributive subordinate clauses


The intake procedure for this course comprises: intake interview

Course materials

Aspekte neu C1, € 55 (chapter 1-5)
The course material is not included in the course price. If you choose to follow lessons in class, you can buy your books through us. You then receive them during the first lesson. If you are going to take an online course, you will buy the books yourself.

Schedule and registration

Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Mondays 07 Apr 2025 30 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 475 Enrol NOW!
Thursdays 02 Oct 2025 04 Dec 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 515 Enrol NOW!
Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Tuesdays 08 Apr 2025 10 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 525 Enrol NOW!
Mondays 29 Sep 2025 01 Dec 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 560 Enrol NOW!