Italian Beginners
Course information
The Italian Beginners course is suitable for anyone with no prior knowledge of the Italian language. During this course you will acquire basic listening, speaking, reading and writing language skills in Italian, enabling you to get by with basic Italian during your vacation in Italy, for example.
By the end of the Italian Beginners course you will be able to conduct simple conversations, for example introducing yourself or greeting someone. You will be able to talk about your background: your family, work, hobbies, age, and where you come from.
When on holiday in Italy, you will be able to read most of the dishes on a menu and place your order. You will be able to reserve a room in an Italian hotel. You will practice your writing skills by learning to write short sentences, for example a notice in a supermarket or a brief message.
Grammar covered in Italian Beginners includes personal pronouns (Io, tu, lui, lei, noi, voi and loro), recognising gender and number in Italian nouns, using c’è and ci sono, and the modal verbs potere, dovere and volere.
Course materials
Schedule and registration
This course can also be taken as an intensive summer course.