Italian level 4

Course information

To take the Italian level 4 course, you need to have a thorough basic knowledge of Italian. You can, for example, follow the main news stories on the TV or in the newspapers, and conduct a short conversation.

During Italian level 4 you will further deepen your basic Italian skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. You will be able to converse on an increasingly wider range of topics. Besides everyday topics, you will be able to converse at the doctor's and at work (business language use). From Italian level 4 you will learn more about formal and informal language use.

By the end of this course your passive language skills (listening and reading) will be at a stable basic level enabling you, for example, to understand detailed spoken instructions and to read short stories, blog articles and written instructions.

You already have a good command of basic Italian grammar, which you will expand further during this course, with, for example, use of the imperativo (imperative), the congiuntivo (for example mi scusi) and the passato prossimo (present perfect) of modal verbs.

If you successfully complete this course, you will receive a certificate showing the level you have attained and you will be able to continue to Italian level 5.


The intake procedure for this course comprises: intake interview

After you have registered for this course, we will invite you for an assessment to determine your level. We recommend that you enrol at least two weeks before the start of the course. If you enrol later than this, we cannot guarantee there will be time for the intake procedure.

If you have completed the Italian level 3 course at UvA Talen, an assessment will not be necessary.

Course materials

Nuovo Espresso 2, € 52 (chapter 6-10)
The course material is not included in the course price. If you choose to follow lessons in class, you can buy your books through us. You then receive them during the first lesson. If you are going to take an online course, you will buy the books yourself.

Schedule and registration

Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Wednesdays 09 Apr 2025 11 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 525 Enrol NOW!
Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Thursdays 10 Apr 2025 19 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 475 Enrol NOW!