Italian level 9

Course information

Italian level 9 is an advanced course that is intended to deepen your language skills. It is suitable for students who are able to speak Italian quite fluently and easily, write different types of texts, and have an extensive passive knowledge of Italian.

Italian level 9 covers various idiomatic forms and regional language variants. More formal forms of Italian in everyday language are practised by formulating structured sentences in the present, past and future tenses, in both the indicative and the subjunctive mode.

Due to the task-oriented approach of the book, after this course you will be able to express yourself with greater ease and at a higher level of Italian. You will improve your reading skills by reading texts on current topics and newspaper articles.

The written exercises, which cover both descriptive and narrative aspects, focus on creating coherence within a text about complex concepts and on the nuanced use of adjectives, for example in a description of an art piece. The speaking assignments address themes such as literature, sport and Italian cuisine. You will articulate intentions and feelings of regret and discuss past events, among other things. Your listening skills will be trained by listening to interviews, conversations or podcasts.

The grammar focuses on combining the different tenses of the subjunctive mood when telling or writing a story (concordanza dei tempi al congiuntivo) and on the different functions of the present and past participle (participio presente e passato), including in idiomatic expressions. Finally, the use and functions of specific adjectives (the superlative, reinforcing forms) are addressed in more depth.

If you successfully complete this course, you will receive a certificate showing the level you have attained and you will be able to continue to Italian level 10.


The intake procedure for this course comprises: intake interview

Course materials

Nuovo Espresso 5, € 45 (chapter 1-5)
The course material is not included in the course price. If you choose to follow lessons in class, you can buy your books through us. You then receive them during the first lesson. If you are going to take an online course, you will buy the books yourself.

Schedule and registration

Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Wednesdays 09 Apr 2025 11 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 475 Enrol NOW!
Thursdays 02 Oct 2025 04 Dec 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 515 Enrol NOW!
Day(s) Start End Time Hours Price
Wednesdays 09 Apr 2025 11 Jun 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 525 Enrol NOW!
Wednesdays 01 Oct 2025 03 Dec 2025 19:00 - 21:30 25 560 Enrol NOW!