New courses at UvA Talen: you ask, we listen!

UvA Talen always keeps an eye on current demand for new language courses, and we expand the number of courses we offer based on the needs of our students. So it’s with great excitement that we announce that from January 2023, you’ll be able to take Korean courses at four different levels for the first time at UvA Talen! High-level Russian courses are also being added to our list, as well as high level Japanese courses. Are you interested to find out more? See more information below regarding each language addition in 2023!

Brand new: Korean language courses

We are proud to introduce Korean language courses in 2023. These courses will be available from January, from beginners level through to level 4. To speak Korean well, it is essential to learn about Korean culture, as pronunciation is dependent on the situation and the person you are speaking to. The Korean courses at UvA Talen will introduce you to Korean society and culture, allowing you to start understanding each and every detailed rule within the language levels.

We would also like to thank those of you who helped us decide to add Korean by participating in our language poll on social media!

Russian courses: New, fun course method AND extra levels

Our Russian courses are now being offered with a new, fun method, and we’ve also added more levels to help students make continuous progress in their learning. If you’ve followed our beginners courses, you’ll have already learned the Russian alphabet and how to master those difficult sounds. Moving towards the higher levels, you’ll have opportunities to hold more advanced conversations about current affairs, what’s happening in society and economic developments.

Japanese course additions to help you reach your goals this year

Due to high demand, we have also added higher level Japanese courses. Level 9 will be available this January, with level 10, 11 and 12 soon being added as well. Each of these courses will contribute to 1/4th of the N3 Level. As well as developing your Japanese comprehension and speaking towards the N3 level, now you can also take a course at UvA Talen that helps you to prepare for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test – the officially recognised language exam for which you are required to read standard expressions in hiragana, katakana and basic kanji, and to understand short conversations about everyday life. The exam preparation course we offer focuses primarily on your reading and listening skills – to help best prepare you for proficiency test.

See our group course page here to find these new and improved courses!