New language courses from October 2019

UvA Talen is constantly expanding the number of courses on offer so as to meet the growing demand for language courses at different levels. Once again this year, we will be adding to the number of courses we offer. From October, you will be able to take Italian courses at eight different levels, study high-level Dutch and further improve your Japanese.

New-style Italian courses

We offer Italian courses at beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. All our courses are designed for motivated students and the course material is handled at a rapid pace. Starting from October, we will be spending more time on each level covered by the Italian courses, ensuring a solid grounding in the language. After successfully completing Italian Level 8, you will be at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

More information about our Italian courses.

High-level Dutch courses

There are also two new high-level general Dutch language courses. Once you have completed the Dutch Proficiency 1 and Dutch Proficiency 2 courses, your proficiency in Dutch will be virtually faultless.

The Dutch Proficiency courses are taught at C1 level, the penultimate level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. At this level, the emphasis is on learning to be flexible in your use of the Dutch language. For instance, at this level you are able to express your thoughts fluently and spontaneously without too much obvious effort.

More information about Dutch Proficiency 1 and Dutch Proficiency 2.

Japanese level 5

Two years ago, we introduced Japanese language courses at four levels. Our students were eager to continue their studies and so our JLPT N5 Japanese exam training course was quickly introduced. This course has proved so popular that UvA Talen will be offering Japanese level 5 from October.

More information on Japanese level 5.