Start learning a language this April at UvA Talen

The sun has started shining in the Netherlands, indicating a few of many things: vitamin D reloading, bustling outdoor terraces, and the start of new language courses at UvA Talen!

As many of you know, our April course round is one of only four big course starts at UvA Talen - meaning all 13 of our languages are being offered, ranging from beginners to advanced levels. Not only are there intensive day-time courses but also evening options for those who work or study full-time during the day. Whether you just moved to the Netherlands and would like to learn Dutch, improve your English for work, or start from scratch on a new language like French, Arabic or Swedish… now is your chance to start! 

Course start: 8-11 April

Prices start at 450 EUR

Want to enrol right away? Sign up here!

Language courses this April at UvA Talen

















Intensive courses in Dutch and English

UvA Talen offers daytime courses in Dutch and English all year round. The courses follow the successful formula: three or five lessons a week from Monday to Friday. During these intensive courses, your language proficiency will rise up to two levels on the scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. These courses are available both online or in-class at our office in Amsterdam. 

Hard to fit intensive courses in your busy work/university schedule? Our evening courses could be the best option for you...

Evening courses in all 13 languages

These courses are offered in all 13 of our available languages: Dutch, English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. All evening courses are offered online or in-class, depending on your preference.

The evening courses take place once or twice per week over the span of ten weeks. If you already have a busy work week, these evening courses are a great way to avoid interference with your schedule. The course format also allows plenty of time after each lesson to do your homework and to digest what you have learnt – time that you are sure to need! During these online courses your language proficiency will rise up to two levels on the scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Want to trial an online course for free?

Every month, UvA Talen offers a free online workshop  for those who want to dip their toes into a language course without yet committing. In these workshops, you can immerse yourself in an interactive learning experience that mirrors our proven in-class formula, while also familiarizing yourself with our staff and teaching style! And let's not forget the best part – not only do you get the chance to win a free online group course at UvA Talen, you also get a special DISCOUNT for participating! Click here to read more and sign up.